Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions please contact us at



I have a bottle I would like to be made into a lamp, is this possible?

Yes of course! That is a very popular choice and makes for a great birthday or wedding gift! Please contact us via email with a photo of the bottle you have and let us know what kind of light you would like it made into.

I have an item that I would like to be made into a lamp, is this possible?

Yes it is, I have made lights from all kinds of items including bird cages, antique planes, books... Just send me an email with a photo of the item and your idea and we can go from there.

I have a space in my house that I would like to have a bespoke light made to fit, is this possible?

Indeed it is! If you already have a clear idea of what you want or if you are open to ideas, we can arrange a meeting and take it from there.

How long does a bespoke light take to make?

That completely depends on the design.... Once we have sat down and worked out exactly what you want, a rough time frame will be established. If antiques do not need to be sourced then the process is much shorter!

Is it possible to make a book stack lamp from specific books?

Yes it is. If you have books that you would like a lamp to be made from you can post them to me or I can source the books myself.  If you provide the books to be made into a lamp the price for a book stack lamp is £75 plus p&p. If you would like me to source certain books then the price of the lamp will increase.